Monday, January 31, 2011

Blogging from eTech

I will be checking in throughout the day with updates and information from the 2011 eTech Ohio Educational Technology Conference.  Our group is about 15 minutes away from presenting the work we've done with lhs 2.0.  8 o'clock in the a.m., hopefully a few people wake up and wander in.

More later, 


  1. Be ready for the "You aren't really doing this stuff" teachers I loved destroying them. The ones that got to me were the young teahers that were confused by the paperless concept but wanted to try a new idea but were soooooo afraid. I hope I converted just one of those.
    P.S. I will not be in Friday heart work day at fairview. We will still have time to do the cultural exercise later Foyn

  2. The more will be up after I put the kids to bed. I learned so much in the last few days and wanted to marinate a few ideas before getting them out. That and the Blue Jackets game won out over blogging last night :-)

  3. Yeah...I want the more too! You are all doing excellent work.
