Sunday, February 6, 2011

Input - Books

I've been meaning to put together a list of the great books I've read on my path to changing my views on learning in the modern classroom.  Here's a partial list with links to, and a few thoughts on each book:

Teach Like A Champion, Doug Lemov - This book has little to do with technology and everything to do with great teaching methods.  I participated in a book study on this one with several of my colleagues.  I'd especially recommend this to anyone who feels that their classroom dynamic needs a boost.

Teaching as Leadership, Steven Farr - More great methods and tools focused on effective instruction in the classroom. 

Disrupting Class, Clayton Christensen - Disrupting Class is the book that won me over and has served as a vital guide to the many ups and downs that go along with disrupting the way we've always done things.

Switch, Chip and Dan Heath - My friend Ken recommended this one to me and it has really informed my current efforts to move people towards a better understanding of what we're trying to do in our classrooms.  Change is hard, and this book makes it easier to recognize why.

Here Comes Everybody, Clay Shirky
Cognitive Surplus, Clay Shirky - Both of these books lay clear the titanic shifts in communication and the effects of the shift.  Shirky is clear, direct, and provocative.  Two of my recent favorites.

Work Hard, Be Nice, Jay Mathews - The story of how KIPP started is intersting to me in that it shows the power of conviction and faith in an idea.

Brain Rules, John Medina - The science of the brain has taken a huge leap.  Medina lays out a few solid ideas that I am working with in the classroom.

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